Friday, August 25, 2006

Not Pap Hill again...

No really, not. The forecast again was wrong. Instead of the forecast W at noon we got the usual SE from first light to just before the seabreeze came in and shut things down around 3pm at Pap Hill and 5pm in Exmouth. It takes 2 hours to travel 25km and then blows at 30km/hr when it gets here, go figure.
I was up there until it became apparent that it was not going to be flyable today and also that I had indeed done a fantastic job of  working on my tan whilst waiting. Currently I am reading heaps and just enjoying a slower pace for a change, I guess I am in holiday mode at the moment. I read a great book called Flak that is a collection of WW2 stories from Aussie pilots, if you had spitfires on your bedroom wallpaper like I did as a kid you will love it. The forecast promises no soarable conditions before I leave here on Tuesday morning, the next couple of days look pretty windy so I might get a dune goon in on the fun but that is probably it for Exmouth now. It would be nice to get in another power flight though if the opportunity arises. The possibility of flying over the morning glory is starting to get me excited, I always assumed that it was something I would just see other people doing, and now I am on my way to try!

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