Wednesday, November 15, 2006


40 knot gusts at the moment and its been very windy for the last 24hrs or so..

I have found all the local coastal sites and I am starting to get my bearings. Having the ocean on the wrong side confused me a bit at first and then having a lake on the other side did not help either. Yesterday I got to see a couple of C4s doing amazing things, both landing in places you would not have though possible. I am hanging for a fly, but I want the conditions to be good too. At the moment Friday looks like the only likely day, there is a strong southerly change forecast for later today and with that comes 30knot winds tomorrow. I am in a caravan park in Belmont about 20mins from the centre of Newcastle and well located close to the major coastal sites and the Airborne factory. On Friday afternoon I will drive out to Gulgong where the Aerotowing comp starts, yay! flatlands flying ;-)
I'm off for a swim, should be some good waves...

Latest Weather Observations for Newcastle Nobbys

Date/ Time Temp Dew Point Rel Hum Delta-T Wind Press Rain since 9 am
Dir Speed Gust Speed Gust
EDT °C °C % °C km/h knots hPa mm
15/13:00 27.4 1.0 18 13.7 NW 56 78 30 42 - 0.0
15/12:30 27.5 -0.5 16 14.1 NW 56 76 30 41 - 0.0
15/12:00 27.2 -1.6 15 14.2 NW 56 76 30 41 - 0.0

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