Sunday, July 23, 2006

Saturday Update

Around lunchtime we met Brett and Steve at the E face of Wozzas. Steve showed us his fighting abilities by keeping his lightspeed in the air between cycles. He even top landed. Matty did the same on the fun before bombing out. He did manage to carry the fun back up the face to the top though.

Brett rigged up his power harness on the top but decided against having his first go there.

Later Brett came to our field and watched me take off and land with my harness. Then he tried, he failed to follow the rules and did not get airborne for long. His second attempt was fine and he flew about for ages and got up to around 2000ft. His landing was also not so hot, but luckily he broke nothing on himself or the glider and most importantly I have it all on film to share with the world. Its blowing 20knots out there at the moment and it supposed to get stronger and more northerly, not looking too good for today (Sunday).

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